Sunday, May 13, 2007

Now leaving the blogosphere

I am going to take a vacation from blogworld for a while.

I've been wrestling with a gravity theory for the past few months, and I feel like I need to get back to the regular busines of my life. If you are interested in my meanderings, you should read the theory in the succession of articles below:

1. The Big Bang Made the Apple Fall
The Big Bang set all matter in motion --- including Newton's apple. Everything is in motion, and the force we feel as gravity is simply the manifestation of matter slowing down due to resistance in space. 

2. The Apple Stopped Here
Newton's apple crashed into the Earth on its path through space. This same dynamic is apparent in the cosmos as galaxies, stars and planets strain against the fabric of space, as well as the molecular level where atoms move through space with different apparent weights.

3. The Core of the Apple
Apples, like all Earth-bound objects, do not have gravity. Instead, objects on planets are caught in the gravitational turbulence caused by the planets moving through spacetime.

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