Sunday, April 22, 2007

Astronomy Day

I presented my ideas on gravity at a conference hosted by Astronomers Without Borders for Astronomy Day, April 21, 2007.

There were about 35 people attending my presentation, which was an overview of the history of astronomy and a summary of my theory. A few people complimented me for my talk afterwards, but no one gave me a substantive response --- I think they were just being polite.

However, I felt encouraged that I found an audience. One man, an electrical engineer, said I had given him a new perspective.

I asked Tim Thompson, a co-presenter at the conference, what he thought about my ideas. I was especially interested in his opinion because he is an astrophysicist from Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

"What did you think about my hooey?" I asked, knowing that my idea about gravity was novel.

"I've heard a lot more hooey than that," he said. "It was good."

1 comment:

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